Coach Kelly here!
I hope this post finds you safe and healthy.
I have heard from many families this week asking for virtual support.
Parents are taking on a new role as an educator for their children. They feel overwhelmed and have reached out to ask for assistance in supporting their child.
TIPS for GotSmartz Families:
1. Develop a simple, flexible routine. We are just pressing PAUSE. Your child will not "fall behind" because everyone has pressed PAUSE. "We as a whole are forced to stop over-scheduling kids, over-testing kids, putting undue pressure on them to achieve more and more and play less and less." Embrace this unique opportunity!
2. For now make learning fun...many neurodiverse learners may have been disengaged or stressed in the classroom. Let's take a break from the worksheets and tap into your child's interests and STRENGTHS. Really focus on the skills and not the subject. Target what skill your child is struggling with and work from there...you know your child best!
3. Spend meaningful time with your children. Engage and teach them skills that you always wanted to teach them. Create a bucket list of the most important skills, lessons, topics you want your child to know.
4. LIMIT screentime. Encourage creative activities! Learn through play and do it as a family.
5. During this extended leave from school, your child may be continuing their learning online. I encourage them to practice using their assistive technology tools when completing learning tasks. Why not demo the assistive technology tools that match your child's needs in the GotSmartz Resource section.